Do you make fun on the job site or between your mates how quickly you each cum?

Do you joke and laugh about how little sex you get from your missus?

Do you play out the stereotypical, male wants sex all the time, the woman only puts out when she wants theme?

Do you know there’s more to love/intimacy/ connection but have no fucking idea how to create it?

I'm Interested!

THE TANTRIK TRADIE online mentorship will give you the tools, practices and support to:

  •  Eradicate your porn use
  •  Be able to have sex for as long as you like
  •  Have full body NON-EJACULATORY orgasms
  •  Be able to take you and your partner to the depths of pleasure that you probably didn't even know existed (like seriously mind blowing, fucking cosmic, crazy block hole, “we are all one” kinda vision orgasms  and shit)
  •  Learn how to create intimacy with your partners like never before
  •  Remove any fear around sexual performance and not getting it up or lasting long enough.
  •  Feel confident and powerful in your masculinity!!
  •  Be the heart centred, compassionate loving man that she dreams of
  •  Understand a woman’s arousal/erogenous areas and work with her pleasure.
  • Learn ancient practices from the karma sutra.
  • Master your sexual energy so that it no longer runs your life or decisions.
  • Understand sexual energy - how to feel it, move it, and cultivate it.
Sign Me Up For A Better Sex Life!

THE TANTRIK TRADIE online mentorship will give you the tools, practices and support to:

  •  Eradicate your porn use
  •  Be able to have sex for as long as you like
  •  Have full body NON-EJACULATORY orgasms
  •  Be able to take you and your partner to the depths of pleasure that you probably didn't even know existed (like seriously mind blowing, fucking cosmic, crazy block hole, “we are all one” kinda vision orgasms  and shit)
  •  Learn how to create intimacy with your partners like never before
  •  Remove any fear around sexual performance and not getting it up or lasting long enough.
  •  Feel confident and powerful in your masculinity!!
  •  Be the heart centred, compassionate loving man that she dreams of
  •  Understand a woman’s arousal/erogenous areas and work with her pleasure.
  • Learn ancient practices from the karma sutra.
  • Master your sexual energy so that it no longer runs your life or decisions.
  • Understand sexual energy - how to feel it, move it, and cultivate it.
Sign Me Up For A Better Sex Life!

But this is not why I've put this program together and they are not the best results that are possible. (Well... ok the orgasm stuff is pretty fucking awesome 😅)

Our sex education as/for men is pretty average at best and that’s being very courteous I think. 

What I hear from 1000’s of women all over the world is the same thing: Men suck at;

- Creating intimacy

- Sharing their emotions

- Meeting me at a deeper level

- Knowing how I am feeling

- Great Sex

- Understanding a woman’s cycle

- Knowing where the clit is!!

- Keeping things spicy


I don’t know about you but some of those hurt. And to be honest I never got told about any of that shit growing up!

I mean the girls at school never told me anything.

My parents sure as hell didn’t teach me anything or talk to me about any of that!

Porn didn’t have any of that in it!

So where would I have learnt any of it!?

Now you may think this doesn’t apply to you…

“Naa mate I’m amazing in all these areas”

“I’ve never had any complaints!”

“All the women I have been with were definitely satisfied in all areas!”


Now that’s funny! 

I haven’t met a man alive that has had 100% strike rate of perfection with every single woman he has been with sexually, romantically or emotionally.

Look mate… we only know what we know!? And I’m pretty sure you don’t know it all. 

Neither do I!


BUT….. I do know more than most! 


And why is that…?

Because I asked questions!


I was a porn addict! I used to masturbate 4 times a day and only last 2-5 mins each time. 

I couldn’t get hard without porn or a woman!

Every time I went out I was trying to get laid. And the moment I got it. I was out of there. I didn’t hang around! I didn’t want to cuddle and hold hands. Shit… I didn’t even want to wake up next to them. 

More often than not I couldn’t get hard again in the morning because I didn’t even like them!

My orgasms became so non-exciting that sometimes I wouldn’t even know if I came or not!

All by the ripe old age of 27!

That was when I knew something needed to change!

I was miserably unhappy, lonely as fuck, and to be honest fucking depressed with my life!


Now I had a good job, money, a house, friends, I could pick up easily enough…

But my life was a masquerade of how I felt inside!

It wasn’t fulfilling!

And I was trying to get that fulfilment from women and sex!


It wasn’t until I started to master my sexuality that I started to feel more whole inside!

It wasn’t until I started to learn how to cultivate, sublimate and transmute my sexual energy (life force/prana/chi) that I started to really understand how to take charge of my life!

I Want To Take Charge Of My Life Too!


Now firstly I just want to say that I am PRO: 


- Women

- Sex

- Ejaculation

- Pleasure

- Masturbation

- Kinks

- Fantasy

- Role play

- Everything sex


I’m not going to tell you, you need to stay away from women, or you can never ejaculate again!




Haha I love all those things. But…


There is a better way, and that's what I want to share with you.


What You Will Learn!

How to choose when and how you cum

The secrets to removing erectile dysfunction forever

How to make sex more than just a physical act! 

How to deal with performance anxiety so it's never an issue again

Exactly how to create an intimate moment for/with your partner

How to have the conversations around kink/BDSM/fantasy


But also, how to make that animalistic, physical act so wild and other worldly that it's spiritual!

I'm Ready To Learn Your Secrets

Who Is This Mentorship For?

Well, it’s for the lads!

All this noise can get a little overwhelming.

It can get a little too “weird’, “fluffy” and “uncomfortable”! 

That was what I struggled with for ages. Which is why I never talked to anyone about it for years. And ultimately it led to a mental breakdown! I had to hit rock bottom in order to change some very simple shit in my life!

That had bloody huge and profound results 

So I am here to share them with you and to make them really simple, plain to understand and phenomenally easy to IMPLEMENT and get HUGE results quickly.

Think of it as saving money or losing weight. If you don’t get results soon, you lose motivation and stop trying!


Well I have studied tantra for nearly 7 years now! Including yoga in India, meditation in Thailand, Cosmology in New Zealand, Shamanism in Australia and other spiritual studies, concepts, and deep embodiment practices.


Through all of that, I have taken the best of the best from these ….. and I have put together the one’s that create the biggest and most profound changes as quickly as possible.


What would your life look like if you could master all these areas?


If you felt 100% confident:

Every time you approached a woman!

Every time you got into bed with your partner!

Every time you didn’t get an erection when you wanted to, but you knew what to do to change that!

Every time you had a conversation you weren’t scared of what are they thinking, do they want this or that?


To know, feel and be able to act on the energetics between you and another is the most powerful tool I have ever learnt in my life and has helped me the most in every area of my life!!!




What would your life look like if you didn’t need porn anymore, 

If you mastered your ejaculation and had more energy, more power, more felling, more sensation and more motivation!


What would you be able to accomplish?

Here's the practical details:

- 2 weekly teachings with practices and Q& A's 

- Accountability pods/groups throughout the mentorship 

- Weekly videos

- A group of men supporting each other through the most transformational process you've ever done!

I look forward to journeying with you!


Register Your Interest For 2022

Enter Your Name and Email below to be the first to know when the program opens.

Mark Passamonti

Tyran created a safe and loving space from which I could share my deepest darkest fears, without fear of shaming. As a result of the creation of such a safe, loving and supportive group of men, I was able to learn who I really was underneath layers and layers of fear and conditioning of what I thought a man was “supposed to be”. I went from not understanding what self-love was, to fully understanding and embodying self-love and living in my heart centre. I started the program needing external validation and ended the program with a strong sense of internal validation.

Ciaran McCormack

This course was one of the most empowering things I have ever done and showed me a power within myself I am still trying to get a handle on. Life will never be the same again for me ❤

Ralph Bianco

This mentorship changed my life by getting me to look at myself rather than the traditional “blame game” I would play in an attempt to blame others for my problems or unhappiness. It has given me a new sense of accountability and responsibility. It has also shown me that, as a man, it is ok to be vulnerable and emotional. Additionally, moving through “my shit” has allowed me to put those stories I tell myself about myself in the past and show up as the man I want to be and proud of who I am and who I am becoming. I love you Tyran!

Waldeck Priorie

Hard to say it with words but I feel it showed me a new way of living my life. Before that I was feeling really stuck in my life and I knew what I could do to change that but I wasn’t really able to fully embody these changes. I feel this mentorship open me the door of embodiment. It got me to look at life from a different angle and in the end, to realise, this is all just part of a big joke. 
I feel there are still plenty of things to do and to explore because Priests of Phallic power isn’t a miracle cure to all our problems but it definitely give you the strength to take your balls, hold your cock, show up to the world and scream “HERE I FUCKING AM !!!!!”
And I think it should part of every educational program in the world!

Ryan J

I had done everything we were “supposed” to do as “men”, yet I felt broken, belittled and emasculated by a woman. This mentorship stood me back up, dug into my heart and soul and showed me what unconditional love really meant. That it was ok to feel and show emotional pain, stand your ground, hold boundaries, yet all in love. This mentorship didn’t change my life, it opened it up to how beautiful life could be. Thank you Tyran for what you do. For those reading this, don’t do this if you want to bitch out when it gets rough, do it because you want to get uncomfortable and grow.