If you really want to reach your full potential and become an advanced man, then you need to do the work necessary to BUILD yourself up from the inside.

This is because as men, we are born valueless.


Through working on ourselves and going through struggles, we grow and become better.


You must do WORK on yourself to level up in these areas of your life.


But, doing this work alone and without guidance is extremely HARD.


You have lots of factors in the modern world which will try to stop you from developing.

Modern politics and culture will pull you back down and call you TOXIC


Modern Media will steal your attention, and dumb down your mind and soul


Bad food and advertising will convince you to eat the wrong food and waste time mindlessly consuming the wrong entertainment, instead of LEARNING and GROWING.


“Going it alone” is hard. In the modern world, It’s next to impossible.


If you want to level up in your masculine development and become the man you KNOW you could, should and who your wife and kids want you to be, then know that “going it alone” without a proven process for self-development or a dedicated brotherhood of like-minded men, Is going to be EXTREMELY difficult.



When it comes to the process of becoming the man you know you could be there is one thing above all that is required:


Hard work.


It takes struggle and stress to form a diamond from a lump of coal.


Now, I’m not calling you a lump of coal, far from it…

In fact, If you’re on this list, or even this page, It’s safe to assume that you’re not like the average modern man.


You want more than others do. You know you have untapped greatness inside of you, you’ve chipped away at it and caught a glimpse of it in the past, but never knew how to fully step into the version of yourself that you REALLY want to be…


So like I said you’re far from a lump of coal, but you know you’re not quite a diamond…




And full disclosure, I’m no diamond myself.

As I’ve come to discover more and more over the past few years, the process of genuine masculine development is never finished, at least, not for a man who is serious.
The truth is, there’s always room to improve, and there’s always another peak to climb.

As I did, you might look into the mirror sometimes and (although you’re getting after it in comparison to others), deep down, you know there’s a version of you that could be doing more…


He’s earning more, he’s got a better relationship, he’s got better mental health…


And although you see this man, and aspire to be him, one issue still remains…


You don’t know WHERE to begin.


Or at least, you don’t know the BEST place to begin…


The truth is, genuine life-altering masculine development isn't easy.


The solution can’t be found in a “free training webinar”


If you’re struggling to level up as a man in the main areas of your life:


  • Health
  • Emotional intelligence 
  • Relationships
  • Identity
  • Wealth 


Then the solution isn't complex.

You must do the work to improve your character.


That’s it. No shortcuts, “quick-fix hacks” or cheat codes…


The truth is, if you want to level up as a man and start to live each day more like the man that you see in your mind's eye, then it won’t happen without taking action.


Never forget, that the key to levelling up is taking action and doing the work.

Simple, right?


Wrong. It used to be…


Because it’s exactly here that many modern men run into serious problems with their masculine development…


As you probably know, in the old days, men lived together in tribes.


These tribal men fought together and hunted together, but most importantly, they went through struggles together and they grew together as a result.


Each member of the tribe improved and grew as a man, purely because he had the support of his brothers to lift him up.


But now, those days are gone.


Tribes (for the most part) are now relics from the past, and the few that remain are ruthlessly shamed and labelled “toxic” or “misogynistic” or worse still “racist”...


The world, for better or worse, has changed.


That means that as men, we are no longer born into tribes to support us and push us to greatness.


Sure, we might have brothers, fathers and training partners, but for the most part we don't feel like we can truly lean in on these people because as a man we think we need to do it ourselves.


As a modern man in your journey to level up, reach your full potential and fully develop your masculinity to the apex of your character…


It can often seem as if you are in this fight alone. 


In today's culture, many people will mock and jeer at you for even attempting to “level up”...


If you attempt to improve your physical appearance, if you aim to become stronger, more dominant, masculine and attractive, they will shout from the rooftops “fat-phobic!” or “Narcissist!” or “Egoic self centred machoism!”

If you seek to discover more about yourself and who you really are beneath the mask of your name, If you dive deep into your own self-image and work on improving and turning it into your greatest tool for success, they will label you “soft” “feminine”, or “hippie”...


To reach for the income you desire and the financial lifestyle you want for yourself and your loved ones, they will call you “greedy”, “soulless” and “materialistic”...



Why don’t you have the life you want?


Why aren't you the man you could be?








I’ll be honest, for me, It was all three.


I knew there was more out there, and I was painfully aware that I was wasting my potential and that I could have been doing more.

What would it feel like to live your life every single day, knowing that you are among a rare group of men, all striving to reach their full potential as advanced modern men?


Imagine this for a minute:


How would it feel to actually get to live your day-to-day life in the body you’ve always wanted?


How much more confident would you feel existing in a lean, muscular and powerful body that radiates the epitome of masculinity?


How different would you walk, talk and act in your life if you had a body with deep sculpted and bulletproof abdominal muscles, a barreling iron breastplate of a chest and wide, round and dominant shoulders, ones that signal to every gawking guy who lays his disbelieving eyes on your dominant figure, that you’re far from the average joe…


The monthly income you want?


What would your life look like?


Where would you be living? What would you be doing?

What would it look like to live a life on your own terms?


Now, I want you to think very carefully about this next question.

It’s extremely important, so I need you to think about it…

Why is it that you currently aren’t living life on your terms?


What is it that you would need to change in your life right now in order to finally begin living where you want to live, driving what you want to drive, seeing who you want to see and earning what you want to earn?


Because I’ll let you in on a little secret here


As much as your boss and the mainstream narrative may tell you otherwise…


Living this kind of life is not exclusive to digital laptop warriors who got lucky with “dogecoin”...


In reality, the cornerstone of creating a life lived on your terms comes down to one key area…


An area most men in modern society (tragically) tend to overlook:

Masculine development


AKA, identifying and reaching your full potential as a man.

So, I want you to ask yourself this extremely important question:


What’s keeping you from reaching your full potential?

I’ll hold my hands up, in my case, it was simply that I had absolutely no idea where to begin.

I’d never had a masculine support network, a band of brothers or a tribe of like-minded men who could guide me in the right direction to point my efforts, to level up as a man.


Others oftentimes feel like they’re stuck in a loop of never-ending self-improvement cycles, skipping around from routine to routine and back peddling on their development, never sure if they’re actually making progress in their development.

What’s stopping you from becoming the man you know you could be?


From stepping into the version of yourself that you dream of being?

Who’s reached out and taken what’s his from the universe?

Who sets his sights on the life he wants, the body he wants, the relationship he wants and the income he wants…

The man who ruthlessly executes until he gets what it is that he wants…


This is the way of The ADVANCED MAN.


So, are you able to look into the mirror in the morning, look into your eyes and confidently state that you are that man?


Do you honestly have the life you really want?


Is your life one of your own creations, or one society forced onto you?


If so, I want to ask you a very serious question…

One that if answered correctly could change the entire trajectory of your life forever.

Are you ready?

Why don’t you go after the life you want? 


The one you envision when you look up at the stars in the silence and calm of the night? 


The one in which you relax at the end of the day and breath a deep, fulfilled sigh of relief, secure in the knowledge that you are storming towards your goals and ruthlessly marching to reach your potential as a man.


I’ll be honest, I wasn’t the man I knew I should have been for most of my life.

I saw the man I could have been, and the life I could have had, but I never took action towards taking it.

And honestly, although there were a multitude of factors as to why this was, In all seriousness, it mainly came down to one key reason…


 I simply didn't know how…


Well this is where I come in.









Book your short 15 minute call with Tyran so he can get an Idea of where your stuck and if he can help


5 Areas to Constantly Advance


Without your health life becomes one hard journey! Understanding how to master your emotional, mental & physical Health is simply the most important thing you can do as a MAN

Emotional Intelligence 

Your emotions are showing you what you care about. Learn to listen and respond to them rather than suppress and ignore!


Life is all about relationships. Understand how to make REAL-ONES. and whatch your life transform


Many men don't know who the Fuck they are because they have lived a life of service to others. Your body, mind and soul must all in be in alignment for you to know your purpose!


Learn how to magnetise, generate and KEEP wealth so you can secure your families future


I'm Tyran Mowbray


After growing up in country South Australia, playing football, drinking and taking drugs. I built a life that I was told would make me happy!

By age 25 I had 2 houses, 2 dogs, 2 cars, 2 football Premierships, a long term relationship.

Life was perfect on many fronts.

But I was miserably unhappy and boarderline depressed. 

I then got involved with some very bad people adn destroyed my life.

This led me on a DEEP and long journey of self discovery where I studied, Buddhism, Occult Cosmology, Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism, Astrology, NLP, Business and many other things.

This is what led me to create The Advanced Man Academy

The best coach I've had the honor to work with Tyran was absolutely wonderful and so open and giving.  Added masses of knowledge and improved my confidence! Thank you so much Tyran!

- Ashley Hamilton

It has helped me deal with my emotions instead of turning to drugs to numb the feelings I have. My internal world has changed so much and I actually like the guy who is steering back at me in the mirror. 

- Josh Thom

This was like a men's group on steroids. I'm forever grateful for this work.



 - Peter Moriarty

Advance Your Life in Every Area

Stop living in a state of contempt! In the Academy you will have:

  • A tribe of men supporting you.
  • Blueprints on how to succeed in every area.
  • Practices and Tools to do in order to move through all of the resistance and blocks of your success.